
How is a "classical" curriculum different from what they are doing in other schools?
Classical schools teach all the subjects in an integrated manner. History, literature, religion and art are pursued together to create a rich experience with history throughout time.
What is high quality literature?
High quality literature includes classic stories that are virtuous in nature and have stood the test of time. This literature is well-written and helps increase a student's vocabulary.
What are humanities?
Humanities provides general knowledge about the best accomplishments of human beings throughout hsitory. It is the integration of literature, history, religion and art.
What about math, science and technology?
Our focus is in providing enhanced and robust curriculum. The Walk to Math program allows students to learn math at their level so they are always ready and challenged. The natural sciences are studied with an emphasis on learning the "why" of science and plenty of hands on experimentation. Intentional use of technology offers a balanced approach to instruction.