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This Sacred Council of the Church earnestly entreats pastors and all the faithful to spare no sacrifice in helping Catholic schools fulfill their function in a continually more perfect way, and especially in caring for the needs of those who are poor in the goods of this world or who are deprived of the assistance and affection of a family or who are strangers to the gift of Faith.”

Gravissimum Educationis
Second Vatican Council


Our school budget is based on tuition, fundraisers, parish subsidy and donations. The generous giving of our St. Charles Families and Friends gives us the opportunity to provide a Catholic education to the next generation of students. Thank you for considering a gift to St. Charles Catholic School. Please click on the links to the right for different giving opportunities that are available. If you have any questions or would like to discuss other giving options, please call the school office at 509-327-9575.

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